Do you have any condition that seems to be treatment resistent, no matter what you do?

Have you ever experienced paradox reactions to treatments, in which your body has not reacted in a way that your therapist expected?

Do you have any symptoms that were caused by a drug (medical or otherwise) that you have taken in the past which persisted long after you stopped taking the drug? That could be a wanted effect of the drug or a side effect.

Have you ever experienced the preserving effects of a drug? That means that a condition gets frozen in time and can't be processed properly later. This can be a physical (pain not resolving after taking cortisol), psychological (grief not resolving after taking anti-depressants) or developmental (uterus not growing after taking the birth control pill)

Does your body-mind unit show a lack of reaction to naturopathic treatments?

Is it hard for you to find the true origins of a physical or psychological condition, although you have been trying very hard?